Don't... don't give me that surprised face.
It's me who should be surprised. Three posts in four days? Wow. So... let me try my English in this post. Let see how long I can make... some words.
Nah, this post is insprired by a film I watched yesterday, A Crazy Little Thing Called Love. A Thailand film that I never really want to see if there is not so much people said that this film is very good. And... indeed, it's good. Laugh in the first, some tears in the middle, and wide smile in the end. Just because of... love. Crazy? Yes, it is.
The film starts with a little girl that isn't pretty enough until she called 'ugly-duckling'. And just like every teens, she likes a handsome boy... errr no, it's cute not handsome. And she likes him very much like a normal teens. She tried everything she can to get his attention. Hypnotising (...rofl), giving chocolate, joining a (fail) drama club, rubbing her skins (...rofl), getting a failed call (...still rofl), being a drum major, and so on. But it's not working. That cute boy still didn't give enough attention to her and... here it is. That cute boy's friend. A handsome boy that likes to flirt to any girls he met. However, her love to that cute boy is too much, make her didn't realize how much this handsome boy loved her. She is still fighting to get that cute boy attention... that still, it's not working.
Until here, I think, it will be a sad ending.
Or... just an ending.
But no, it's a happy ending. Really really happy ending. A first love that never go anywhere and stay still after many years. It's amazing although I didn't believe in first love... in reality. Well, in a story, everything can be make, right? Ah yeah, human is confusing (me too *straighface*) and everything could be happened how impossible it is, I know.
So... the happy ending. An ending that hoped by everyone. An ending that wanted by everyone including me. However, life taught me that happy ending can't happen everytime you want it. There is always the sad ending or just an ending. That is reality. You can't achieve what you want everytime. You are not the one who can control everything that happened around you. So, there is no happy ending. There is just an ending or... sad ending.
Gloomy? It is.
Yea, yea, there is time when I don't believe in happy ending. Maybe this is the reason why I never really make a happy ending story (:-"). But, life taught me more. That happy ending is exist. That sad ending and an ending just an intermezzo when you fight to get the happy ending. That life isn't so gloomy. That life can be cheered up. That life is need to be enjoyed. Well, maybe I'll try to make a really happy ending story after this.
And... this english post makes me hungry. See ya.